Sunday, April 7, 2019

Devotion of Compassion

As I sat their in a room full of people with my back aching from the beating that had taken place, I reminded myself things have changed, no longer had I witnessed kindness and people having compassion. What have they lost, what happened? Has human existence always been so brutal? Well yes. Here we are in the year of our Lord 2019 this day Sunday April 7th. Women being Tortured?

Women around the world including American Women getting beat, a beautiful beating heart beaten, a soul crushed with such horrific measures to make a women subservient like an animal to be beaten into submission! Does this still exist?, yes and why?

Were you born in Jesus Christ image, do you share any of his kindness, likeness, compassion or love for anyone? Have you always used him in such a horrific manner? What ideology do you have? At what point in your existence did you come to the conclusion that your unkindness and beating of me and women become justified? Are you walking with “One with Christ”?

What made you decide?

When you decided on what your next beating of me or any women will be, please stop and ask yourself “What made you decide”? Christ? Environment? Ego? Selfishness? Evil Ideology? Torturing me and any women with mutilation? Breast Smashed? Broken bones and overall back breaking abuse. How did you get this way?

I do not know when this occurred I do not have a date on the following video but if you believe that this is the type of person you choose to be may our Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on your soul. I am a christian women who has been tortured by the hands of evil for 19 plus years. Shunning & Sharia what a mixture! You hurt me with this evil ideology. I am dieing now and I am a Christian Women beaten by this evil ideology that has been placed on me for years, How could you? Viewer discretion is advised.

Click on the link -> Brutal Beating

I want share with you a poem written before opening the bible and with the help of my one that equals three, your one. Jesus Christ, He is still waiting…


How sad was I as you walked by
I waited to hear your words,
they'd grabbed my heart
whispering a passionate kiss,
a lovers dance,
a song yet to be sung,
a compassionate hug,
a love so strong.
You filled my heart with your magical words casting a spell with my devotion.
I opened my heart with loving compassion.

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