Thursday, January 3, 2019

The Beautiful Collection of Souls


  Many people collect. They have a collection such as figurines, trains, coins, books, poems, array of things even mind body and souls. You sit back and look at your collection and are in awe and admire!  Oh the brilliance of what you have given yourself!!  It has taken you years!! You feel proud, you want to show off what you have placed in your collection and you want others to like it as well. You can now talk and talk about what you have collected over the years and affirm you are the expert.
Your collection is now better than someone else's even after you have tried to explain whom collects the same as you. You try to convince anyone who will listen and you just don't hear and it falls on deaf ears.

  I started to write this several of days ago and now a week and what I really want to do is get right to the heart of the matter, to the point.  If you read my 1st page on my blog and I told you that it took 43 years in the making to open the bible,  you would question and say that is impossible! Sure, I've known of Jesus Christ and watch the old movies around the holidays and even went to church (not consistent). Here's the point, I never opened it opened it (the Bible and read through the pages) If I would have you wouldn't have believed me.  My testimony before I leave this life it to tell you the word of our Lord and the truth. 

Some will continue to call me a liar and I am completely fine with that, that doesn't change any fact of the truth of a servant to the true one. 1=3 & 3=1 (Jesus Christ)

  My collection is of this (faith & truth): I am a tortured victim of many years. I have been harmed on every part of my body, no denial! it's fact. I am a person who has been mind skulled because of SCIENCE, a crime and a technique of a horrific kind of the mind control. IT DOES EXIST but here's the thing folks my divine Lord who's placed his spirit within me was never broken or taken. Fact & Truth. I will not at this point go into the horrific nature of the torture that I endured, I will at a later time.

  My collection is writing of our Lord without opening of the bible, the words that I try to convey to you will never make justice of the divine. Simply the mind sometimes resists. Before you continue to read what I say, please look at it from the perspective of the most significances of our Lord. I am a servant. I also need to explain I have witnessed the abyss (EVIL) I have never put a name on the abyss until recently by a man named SAM SHAMOUN on a video. My heartfelt thanks to Sam.

I have wrote of what I am about to tell you prior, I do not know what happened of the blog or even if it still exist, I no longer have access to that blog. What I am about to tell you before Science took over on giving me pain. Evil abyss at 12.

  When I was 12 I had experience evil in the summer of 1976. the depths of evil abyss.  Before I continue, what I am telling you is the truth, I make no claims of being a saint or a prophet only a servant and I am a sinner. I have gain pain and torture because of people not understanding, afraid even jealousy and perverts of evil and putting people in my life to discredit what really had happened, you would call them liars. I am a human being and with being a human being I find it very hard to utter the words I forgive you. In one sense I have and on the other I haven't due to the torture by Science and people and the hurt caused on my Children,  I haven't been able to accomplish the completeness of forgiving but I can most definitely tell you that with Jesus Christ he will speak to you and not Science. Science does play a significant part in our every day lives and can be helpful but sometimes very harmful.  Jesus Christ has more power and does show himself.

  Experiencing evil, I will try my best to explain in details.  I am 12 and I find myself at the locked basement door trying to open it, while I am trying to open this door I hear my mother as if she was standing right next to me telling my brother to go get your sister. My mother lived in a three room apartment upstairs from my grandmother and o get to the basement door you have to open the kitchen door then walk down 12 steps then make a slight right then another slight right and take 5 steps and your at the basement door. How do I hear my mother in her bedroom at this door? My brother is now standing slightly behind me and I have my hand on the door knob and he is trying to pry my hand off the door knob, I had strength of a thousand Army's and he couldn't remove my hand from the door knob. I was approximately 95 to 100 lbs girl. I turned and walked away from him and within 2 to 3 seconds up 12 steps flew up the steps. When I say flew I had flown. I was screaming please help me and I enter the kitchen and I am still screaming, I was trapped and mumbling and couldn't articulate what I wanted to say. I heard everything around me like the person was standing next to me. I am now standing on my mother bed screaming and the scream was so loud the block over people had awoken from their sleep, the neighbor next door called the police. I fly off my mother bed onto the kitchen floor and I am screaming help me help me and I am trapped in the most pit of evil. Evil Abyss. I am now standing slightly away from my mother's door frame and fly onto the kitchen table, I had no control of my own body.  I am still screaming help me and sobbing, sobbing of grieve that is 50 million times more of when a loved one has passed.  I hear my grandmother get out of her bed and I am aware she will be coming up the steps, she walks into my mother kitchen and says what is going on here? by that time I had gotten off the kitchen table and was standing in the door way of the living room, my grandmother turns to me and I fly onto her and I wrapped my legs around her and my arms like I am holding onto a pole and the grip is so tight she is trying to get my body off of hers and I am screaming help me help me and I am still sobbing and I cannot get away from evil and she is trying to pry my arms off of her. My grandmother was in a standing position while I had a hold of her.  How do I explain evil abyss? Really words cannot express but I will try my best, sorrow 50 million more times then what you have experienced in your life. I was 12 and heard every one and watch every movement of everyone who was there. Like seeing everything happening outside myself.  During this time I even knew when the neighbor put on their bedroom light. It was like the universe in a stand still but it had to be or it would be off balance. The movie the exorcist is evil but no comparison to actual evil. If I would have opened that basement door I would have been damned. The word damned? you see at 12 I didn't even know what the word damned was, I know evil that will devour your spirit not of men on earth.

  Annalise Michele was damned and a test of our faith. Truth & Fact, this was NOT science. The lord brought into my life a Michael. The lord also brought a priest along with Michael. Fact & Truth. The man that I married was a Michael and his best friend at that time was a priest.  I married at 18 and I was divorced at 25 Michael is no longer in my life now and from what I have been told the x-priest didn't like me and told Michael he wanted our marriage to end.  WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING MICHAEL & PRIEST? Answer: purpose. Who would believe me? Why does this matter, hopefully as you continue to read my blog I will be able to help you understand that the lord has a reason to use people as a servant in ways that are unbelievable to others and to bring you to him.

 To read about Annalise please click on the above link in blue.

Please read further,

  What are the chances of what I am about to tell you? is it really possible 25 years later to move into a neighborhood not knowing anyone and my other two sons were 3 & 5 at that time of moving into this new community and 8 years later my sons first girlfriend at 13 looks like Annalise and they could've been sisters. Evil came along not the girlfriend, she's not evil, people made me look like a child predator.  I was shunned from the community.  I know the truth. Who would believe me? no one, little faith and people who claimed to be faithful to Jesus Christ turned their backs against me. I know I have a connection with Annalise like no other, not a connection with my son's girlfriend, that is a sick mind of evil that would imply such sickness. Who would believe me? No one would.  I know you're thinking to yourself no-way!!! Yes way! Some people who listen still don't hear the truth, you hear what you want to hear or gossip takes over and not the truth.  My entire family was torn apart, I will explain further at a later time. Now getting back to my connection, my spirit in the name of Christ, people who know me will know whom this looks like from that neighborhood.   The below photo is of Annalise.

I told the girl that I wanted her to be with my son forever and gave her a hug. Who would believe me? I named her Wish. I AM NOT EVIL

Evil swept through the community and took lives, hurt our families that I lived in.  It has been 43 years since the death of Annalise whom was damned, no fault of a young women but due to the devil. FACT!!!!!!!!!!  Here I am 43 years later telling the truth and I wasn't damned. I love Annalise we are more connected then what you would believe. The Lord shows himself. Not that Jesus is evil. Who would believe me? Words fall on deaf ears, seeing is believing. You might be a person who visually has to see.  I will not be able to use the photograph of the 13 year old girl from the community I lived in but,  100% no doubt it's true and if you did research you will only come to one conclusion and you would no longer have any doubt. I am not making a blog to convince anyone, I am a servant that know the truth. Who would believe me?

  People believe that you cannot make any mistakes if you are a servant, no they say you have to be perfect or use what they believe they have over you, a sin or sins. Recently a african american female in a store said she was perfect and then said oh I forgot then proceeded to say I need to buy a pack of cigarettes, while recently I said that openly in either my car or home or on this blog that if you are a servant of the lord people have the ideology that you can't sin, at least that is what I have witnessed or if the Lord blessed you with what he has shown a sinner. Mocking being blessed. I AM BLESSED. 43 years of the lords timing!

  Why did you do this sin or whatever a sinner might do. I never murdered anyone!  I didn't walk into a store with the intentions of putting myself on anyone but only to buy what I needed and go on my merry way.  I get that all the time, strangers that seem to think they know me and say things. (Gossip) a form of Stalking. Stalkers are perfect they don't sin, the victim is the sinner, not godly enough!  I will explain stalking & Evil science at  later time. 

 Whom am I to say when the Lords timing is? Whom am I to say to the Lord  "Lord! you due things on my time not yours!" 55-12= 43 years of my Lord timing to convey the truth through his timing!!!!!!

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